
Our Commitment to
Community + Sustainability

The Sacred Ohms team is deeply committed to fostering community and sustainability within and around our properties across the globe. We believe in a regenerative relationship between the Retreat go-ers and the community and land where Retreats are being facilitated. We also want to promote sustainability practices in our community of Ohms. Sacred Ohms strives to have a community centered around personal well-being, cultural and biodiversity preservation, and environmental stewardship. We are inspired by our indigenous ancestors who came before us, as we celebrate the importance of living in harmony with nature to honor the interconnectedness of all beings and to protect our precious natural resources for future generations to come.

Our dedication to Community + Sustainability
is manifested in three significant ways:

We found that some of the most impactful Retreats include at least one aspect of Community Service. Combining a fundraising campaign and an act(s) of in-person community service enhances the overall Retreat experience while giving back to the land for which we are grateful to receive its blessings. Not only do we work to support and connect Leaders with local non-profits, but we also offer a tax-deductible crowdfunding service for the Leaders and their Retreat participants to maximize the donations for their Community Service. Note, fiscal sponsorship and transaction fees apply.

By setting sustainability metrics and gathering data on our Ohm community, we will assess where education and support are needed the most. Our Programme is being built to expand resources and support to ensure that every Ohm that wants to expand their sustainability efforts has a better chance than they did before they met us.

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This contribution not only signifies our commitment to Gaia’s well-being but also supports vital conservation efforts and sustainable development projects, directly impacting the health and future of our global ecosystem.

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We are able to facilitate our Community + Sustainability Programme (#1 + #2) for Ohms and Retreat Leaders with special thanks to our fiscal sponsorship through Faraway Projects and our generous donors who support this initiative.

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Our Community

Our three-pronged approach to sustainability underscores our deep commitment to fostering a socially impactful and environmentally responsible community. We are not only empowering our community to make meaningful contributions, we are also prioritizing the health of our planet. These initiatives illustrate our belief in the power of collective action to drive significant change.